vineri, 17 iunie 2011


In zilele acestea pe strada, cu precadere in orasele universitare se vad cum florile se cumpara mult mai repede, si apoi uitam sa mai dam o floare pana se face opt martie sau alta sarbatoare. Familiile se reunesc si se revad oameni care nu au vorbit demult, apoi dupa cateva clipe de despart si poate nu mai stiu unii de altii.
Emotiile plutesc in aer cand o sala plina ochi de oameni se ridica in picioare si aplauda intrarea celor imbracati in robe lungi si avand nelipsita toca pe cap in negru si o culoare sclipitoare. Isi fac intrarea absolvenii in ritmul batailor din palme. Suna cunoscut tabloul? Este vorba de momentul in care un student termina facultatea. Dar nu se termina totul acolo, viata continua alte momente.

Dar la fel cum nu toti oamenii au terminat o facultate tot asa nu toti oamenii vor avea parte de urmatorul peisaj.
Este tot o multime de oameni, dar mult mai mare care nu se poate numara, stau in picioare, imbracati in alb. Si se pune o intrebare: „Aceştia, care sunt îmbrăcaţi în haine albe, cine sunt oare? Şi de unde au venit?”
Raspunsul nu intarzie sa vina : „Aceştia vin din necazul cel mare; ei şi-au spălat hainele şi le-au albit în sângele Mielului....
Pentru aceasta stau ei înaintea scaunului de domnie al lui Dumnezeu şi-I slujesc zi şi noapte în Templul Lui. Cel ce şade pe scaunul de domnie Îşi va întinde peste ei cortul Lui. Nu le va mai fi foame, nu le va mai fi sete; nu-i va mai dogori nici soarele, nici vreo altă arşiţă. Căci Mielul, care stă în mijlocul scaunului de domnie, va fi Păstorul lor, îi va duce la izvoarele apelor vieţii, şi Dumnezeu va şterge orice lacrimă din ochii lor.”

Vrei sa fii parte si tu?

vineri, 3 iunie 2011


I don’t know if you feel the same, but I am pretty disappointed of what is happening nowadays in the society, in the church … everywhere. It’s like there are no more standards, there are no more principles and everyone is guided by their own desire. The sole purpose of human is to fulfill its own needs. The others don’t matter. The next of skin doesn’t matter. Nothing else matters!!!

I don’t believe that God is enjoying this view! I know that most of us blame the crisis for this dark place where we got. I know I did! I know I had a really hard time realizing that if I am not what God wants me to be, it’s not because of the crisis. It’s because I, voluntarily, turned my back to God! And you might not think like me … you might say that you had to turn your back to God. But, my dear loved friend, whenever we choose the easy way out of something … knowing that God wants us to take the hard way … that is VOLUNTARILY!

I am not ashamed to admit that I had my own fights with God. I had my own questions and my own rebellion, but none of those helped me in any way! I blamed God for my misfortune, when God opened doors and moved mountains for me. I didn’t wanna see any of those; I just wanted to see my unfulfilled dream. I just wanted to soak in my sorrow and all I saw around me was bitterness and skepticism and evil. Partly it is true! The world around us is full of evil and bitterness, BUT God could not have wanted something like that for us – HIS children!

When down … when in the desert … when nothing I did was good … I had just one option: stay still. And when I finally did that I was so surprised of the way God touched me and He spoke to me … not through thunder, not through fire or earthquake, but through His smooth whisper. He just reminded me that:

“The God of the good times is still God in the bad times. The God of the day is still God in the night.”

And then He continued with:

“You talk of faith when you’re up on the mountain. Oh, but the talk comes easy when life’s at its best. But it’s down in the valley of trials and temptation, that’s when faith is really put to the test.”

I’ve heard the song before … but never before it had touched my heart like this time… when God told me that in the valley my faith is out to the test!

Finally, what truly matters is that with all the disappointments … “When things go wrong, HE’ll make it right!”

Wrote by: Camelia Sighiartau