miercuri, 7 septembrie 2011

Fresh wind, fresh fire

I figured it out. Actually, it’s not me who figured it out, others did it before me, and we just don’t want to listen.
For some while now I try to understand what are we missing, us the Christians, the Body of Christ, the Church, the apprentices, God’s children. It’s not that we don’t have plans, or even vision. We do! The problem is that we seem to be brain-washed. As I often use to say, living in this world, made us immune to sin. We got used to hearing bad words, seeing things we shouldn’t turn our sight to. We talk almost without thinking if God agrees with our way of speaking. We kept enlarging the way of God. We slipped. We let ourselves brain-washed! We are like paralyzed and the questions in Casting Crowns song seem so justified: “If we are the Body, why aren’t His arms reaching, why aren’t His hands healing, why aren’t His words teaching, […] why aren’t His feet going?”
We need fresh wind, fresh fire. We need to stand up and ask for rain of revival. I need a new fire in my life a fire that can clean all the impurities and a fire that could make me burn for Him. We need to stand together and make a statement for those around us. We need to do that! It is not a choice that we could make. It’s compulsory! To go outside and just spread the fresh fire, the fresh wind.
“God, I know I’ve been staying in this comforting place. I know that I just let myself brain-washed and my eyes were not looking straight ahead to the end of the journey, when all those who had done Your will on earth can rejoice in You. I lost track and thought I could change your way. I just thought that maybe I can find a shortcut. Instead, I just made a U turn and drove back from Your presence. I know now that You were always looking out for me. You were always at an arm-length. You never left me from your sight. And even when I was angry and I didn’t want to have anything to do with You, You just stood there with Your endless love and patience and kindness until I figured it all out. I know now that all I need is fresh wind, fresh fire in my life. I am so ashamed for the time I have wasted. I have said before “Here I am” and I’ve never truly been there. I now ask from you … just power to make the next step with You.”
Do you need any fresh wind, fresh fire in your life?

Camelia Sighiartau

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